
Name Parent Choreographer Composer Costume
Elevation Dance of the Ages Company, Frank Overlees, Fred Hearn, Ted Shawn, Wilbur McCormack Jess Meeker
Elijah Rock With Timbrel and Dance Praise his Name James Truitte
El Penitene Martha Graham Louis Horst Edythe Gilfond Isamu Noguchi Jean Rosenthal
El Relicario Ted Shawn Jose Padilla
Emergence Voodoo Lester Horton
Encounter Lew Christensen Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart J.G. von Schadow
Entrance and Dance of the Damaging Dance of the Ages Company, Frank Overlees, Fred Hearn, Ted Shawn, Wilbur McCormack Jess Meeker
Entrance and Dance of the Demagog Ted Shawn Jess Meeker
Entrance Dance Sun Ritual Bertha Miller English
Eros et Terpsichore
Escape into the Exotic Flight from Reality Lester Horton Dane Rudhyar
España Leon Danielian Ruperto Chapí, Tomás Bretón
Etude Ted Shawn Frédéric Chopin
Etude Nina Verchinina Johann Sebastian Bach
Etude Bach Bronislava Nijinska Johann Sebastian Bach
Every Night when the Sun Goes In Song Sketches Yvonne de Lavallade Yvonne de Lavallade Donald Martin
Excerpts from Walt Whitman's "Song of the Open Road" Excursions into Visible Song Ted Shawn Eva Palmer-Sikelianos
Excerpts from Walt Whitman's "Song of the Open Road" The Dome Ted Shawn Alexander Scriabin, Béla Bartók, Erich Wolfgang Korngold, Eva Palmer-Sikelianos, Folk Music, Guion, Jess Meeker, Johann Sebastian Bach, Louis Moreau Gottschalk, Tarenghi MSS, Weldon Wallace
Excursions into Visible Song Ted Shawn Eva Palmer-Sikelianos
Exorcismal Voodoo Lester Horton
Expansion Chronicle Lester Horton
Fanatical Action Colonial Theme Lester Horton
Fanning of the Flame and Fire Dance Ted Shawn Jess Meeker