Date: 1935-05-30, Matinee
City: London
State: England
Country: UK
Venue: His Majesty's Theatre
Troupe: Ted Shawn and His Men Dancers
Notes: Program verified Archer Porter, Jacob's Pillow Archives
People: No roles have been assigned.
- Polonaise (Moritz Moszkowski, Composer; Ruth St. Denis, Choreographer)
- Sixth Prelude from the Well-Tempered Clavichord (Johann Sebastian Bach, Composer; Ted Shawn, Choreographer)
- John Brown Sees the Glory (Jess Meeker, Composer; Ted Shawn, Choreographer)
- Invocation to the Thunderbird (Eastwood Lane, Composer; Ted Shawn, Choreographer)
- Osage-Pawnee Dance of Greeting (Carlos Troyer, Composer; Ted Shawn, Choreographer)
- The French Sailor (Darius Milhaud, Composer; Ted Shawn, Choreographer)
- Turkey in the Straw (Jess Meeker, Composer; Ted Shawn, Choreographer)
- Flamenco Dances (MS, Composer; Ted Shawn, Choreographer)
- Workers' Songs of Middle Europe (Bela Reinitz, Jess Meeker, Composer; Ted Shawn, Choreographer)
- Cutting the Sugar Cane (Ernesto Lecuona, Composer; Ted Shawn, Choreographer)
- O Brother Sun and Sister Moon (Ottorino Respighi, Composer; Ted Shawn, Choreographer)
- Fetish (Jess Meeker, Composer; Ted Shawn, Choreographer)
- Negro Spirituals II (Jess Meeker, Composer; Ted Shawn, Choreographer)