Date: 1933-03-20, Evening
City: Boston
State: MA
Country: USA
Venue: Repertory Theatre
Troupe: Ted Shawn and His Men Dancers
Notes: Program verified Archer Porter, Jacob's Pillow Archives
People: No roles have been assigned.
- Fantastique (Lily Strickland, Composer; Ted Shawn, Choreographer)
- Osage-Pawnee Dance of Greeting (Homer Grunn, Composer; Ted Shawn, Choreographer)
- Invocation to the Thunderbird (Eastwood Lane, Composer; Ted Shawn, Choreographer)
- Nocturne and March (Thomas Griselle, Composer; Alice Dudley, Choreographer)
- Boston Fancy - 1854 (Eastwood Lane, Composer; Ted Shawn, Choreographer)
- Mevlevi Dervish (Anis Fuleihan, Composer; Ted Shawn, Choreographer)
- Sarabande (Erik Satie, Composer; Ted Shawn, Choreographer)
- Trois Mignardises (Riccardo Pick-Mangiagalli, Composer; Ted Shawn, Choreographer)
- Serenade (Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Composer; George Balanchine, Choreographer)
- The Divine Idiot (Johann Sebastian Bach, Composer; Ted Shawn, Choreographer)
- La Mattchichi (MSS, Composer; Ted Shawn, Choreographer)
- Los Embozados (Albeniz, Composer; Ted Shawn, Choreographer)