Date: 1930-01-03, Evening
City: Brooklyn
State: NY
Country: USA
Venue: Institute of Arts and Sciences
Troupe: Ruth St. Denis and Ted Shawn
Notes: Schlundt, Christena L.: The Professional Appearances of Ruth St. Denis and Ted Shawn. A Chronology and an Index of Dances 1906-1932. Literary Licensing (LLC), New York 1962.
People: No roles have been assigned.
- Death of Adonis (Benjamin Godard, Composer; Ted Shawn, Choreographer)
- Revolutionary Etude (Frédéric Chopin, Composer; Ted Shawn, Choreographer)
- Legend of the Peacock (Edmund Roth, Composer; Ruth St. Denis, Choreographer)
- Duet Suite (R.S. Stoughton, Composer; Ted Shawn, Choreographer)
- Mevlevi Dervish (Anis Fuleihan, Composer; Ted Shawn, Choreographer)
- Tanagra
- Gringo Tango (Eastwood Lane, Composer; Ted Shawn, Choreographer)
- Danza Espagnol (Enrique Granados, Composer; Ted Shawn, Choreographer)
- Death of the Bull God (Charles Tomlinson Griffes, Composer; Ted Shawn, Choreographer)
- Nautch Dance Ensemble (Ruth St. Denis, Choreographer)