Date: 1923-01-27, Evening
City: Orlando
State: FL
Country: USA
Venue: Lucerne Theatre
Troupe: Ruth St. Denis, Ted Shawn, and Denishawn Dancers
Notes: Schlundt, Christena L.: The Professional Appearances of Ruth St. Denis and Ted Shawn. A Chronology and an Index of Dances 1906-1932. Literary Licensing (LLC), New York 1962.
People: No roles have been assigned.
- Revolutionary Etude (Frédéric Chopin, Composer; Ted Shawn, Choreographer)
- Soaring (Robert Schumann, Composer; Ruth St. Denis, Choreographer)
- Valse Brilliante (Mana-Zucca, Composer; Ruth St. Denis, Choreographer)
- Betty's Music Box (Carrie Jacobs Bond, Composer; Ted Shawn, Choreographer)
- Valse in A Major (Mischa Levitski, Composer; Ted Shawn, Choreographer)
- Xochitl (Homer Grunn, Composer; Ted Shawn, Choreographer)
- Kuan Yin (Erik Satie, Composer; Ruth St. Denis, Choreographer)
- Siamese Ballet (Ted Shawn, Choreographer)
- Lantern Dance (Ted Shawn, Choreographer)
- O-Mika (Robert Hood Bowers, Composer; Ruth St. Denis, Choreographer)
- Servant with Parasol (Ted Shawn, Choreographer)
- The Princess and the Demon (Ted Shawn, Choreographer)
- Egyptian Ballet (L. Halvorsen, Walter Meyrowitz, Composer; Ted Shawn, Choreographer)
- Tillers of the Soil (Walter Meyrowitz, Composer; Ruth St. Denis, Choreographer)
- Thoth and Horus (L. Halvorsen, Composer; Ted Shawn, Choreographer)
- Priestesses with Tambourines
- Dance of Rebirth (Walter Meyrowitz, Composer; Ruth St. Denis, Choreographer)
- Japanese Spear Dance (Louis Horst, Composer; Ted Shawn, Choreographer)
- Dance of the Black and Gold Sari (Ethelbert Nevin, Composer; Ruth St. Denis, Choreographer)
- Greek Veil Plastique (Claude Debussy, Composer; Ruth St. Denis, Choreographer)